Unexpectedly good dream? Strange dream to bring you a good luck.

20150217I think whether you often see a dream at night.
Sometimes, you look forward to it slightly before sleeping.

Some persons call it the omen that happens to you.
What kind of dream is it?

You want to see a dream that luck you good if it is possible.


  • To catch a tiger.
  • You are in the crematory.
  • To catch shit by hand.
  • A bowel movement does not stop.
  • A snake invades you in the skirt.
  • To fight against the opposite sex.
  • You are bitten by a poisonous snake between crotches.


  • To eat curry and rice.
  • A toilet does not flush.
  • To look at yourself dead.
  • To be coiled around a snake.
  • To be attacked by a large snake.

Yellow color and a snake are the point for a good luck.

When you see an unlucky dream, What should you do?
Nobody knows it unfortunately.
I feels that it is so important.

When you see a dream of the misfortune consecutively, I think that you may become scary to sleep.


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