“Murder disposable chopsticks” landing in Japan, 97% of disposable chopsticks are made in China.

20140807News from China again.

It comes to Japan, called “murder disposable chopsticks.”

It became muddy if you put the disposable chopsticks in soup.
A goldfish seemed to die when you put it in a water tank.

The cause is a strong fungicide in a manufacturing process and the bleach to look better.
Besides, it seems to be shipped without washing out these medicines after use.

Japanese uses 25 billion’s disposable chopsticks a year.
As made in China is 97%, we have been using one of disposable chopsticks made in China.

In the case of import, there is inspection to the food.
However, there is no inspection to the disposable chopsticks which are industrial products.

There are possibilities to be used “murder disposable chopsticks” in Japan.
But, Nobody knows about it.
As well as food safety, it seems to be necessary to take safety measures against various things.

Particularly, the ones which made in China is required.
How should we live carefully?


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