Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the contaminated water take non-measures substantially.

20140815For an invitation of Tokyo Olympics 2020, Prime Minister Abe realized it in spite of lying “Everything under the control”. But, he must feel irritation now.

The issue of contaminated water of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant cannot be settled at all.
Unfortunately, all measures has been failed.

The setting of the frozen ground wall is a measure now.
A frozen ground wall is the wall which makes the basement freeze and prevents an invasion of the contaminated water.
However, this frozen ground wall does not freeze at all.
It does not freeze even if use the dry ice.
It costs 50 million yen every month.
Maybe, it will be early if you bring Mr. freeze.

As a decommissioning expense of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, Japan will use 2 trillion yen in total.
These expense are worked out with the raise of the electricity bill.
It means that people pay for it.

The issue of contaminated water is serious.
It is the problem that you must not give up even if you think that it cannot be settled.

However, there is not any measures.

Will Fukushima have the future?


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