Average life span of japanese men and women updates a high record.

20140801The Japanese average life span of 2013 updated a record high at male 80.21 years old and woman 86.61 years old.
The men’s average life exceeded 80 years old for the first time since 1891, and the woman became the best world’s longevity for 2 consecutive years.
I’m so glad.

What is the reason why they keep the best longevity?

  • Higher medical technology
  • Healthy japanese foods
  • Cleanliness enthusiast

three things greatly influence it.

What is the higher medical technology.
All japanese have to take out medical insurance. It is a duty under the law.
This is the system that healthy people want to refuse, because of a high cost.
However, much human life has been saved by this system.
Moreover, there is improvement of the world’s best pediatric care.
Probability to die in childhood is extremely low.
In addition, for the old people, there is a health system like a periodic medical examination.
Using health insurance, they could receive it.
What you could receive it for several thousand yen is good for the old people.

What is the the healthy japanese foods.
There are extremely fewer fat intakes than American and European countries.
As for the Japanese foods, people can take in the carbohydrates by the rice and people can take the protein by the soybeans.
Foods like the soybean and the green tea are effective for the prevention of cancer.

What is the cleanliness enthusiast.
It is said that most of Japanese likes cleanliness.
People take a bath and always keep it clean every day.
It seems to be prevented the infectious disease.

Longevity is a great thing.
It is proved that life is prolonged by the higher medical technology and japanese foods and their lifestyle.
If people in the other countyies carried it out, they may become the longevity.

Finally I have one question.
I wonder,
Is longevity a really happy thing?


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