Six ability that Japanese lacks, Demerit by national traits?

In the modern society, we must think about things in global.
When you play only in Japan, there are not winning chances anymore.

It is important to become a global talented person playing an active part in the world,
Here, let’s talk about lacking “six ability”.

  1. Leadership: Power to lead others naturally, and to lead others
  2. Creativity: Power to repeat imitation, and to produce a novel idea from there
  3. Combat: Power, as a result, to pass the claim of own while respecting the intention of the partner
  4. Resolution: Power to analyze the location of the problem into as a shortcut of the solutions to the problem
  5. Adventure: Power to push on as bread for a trial and hardship
  6. Self-confidence: Power to impress it with confidence deeply

※ Refer to a book “How They Teach At Oxford University”

I want to talk about “Combat” in this time.

Naturally it can be said it to be missing for the Japanese who received education to respect sense of cooperation from early childhood.
In Japan, it is “the opposition = evil”.
However, we cannot win a game without “fighting power”.

There is that you take good care.

  1. A competition mode: You acquire an overwhelming difference
  2. A reception mode: You put the opinion of the partner partially
  3. An evasion mode: You evade a problem from the front and give one’s opinion
  4. Cooperation & compromise mode: The purpose emphasizes a one thing

There is means to be settled friendly without being opposed.

  1. You talk for the true intention.
  2. You look for a common problem.
  3. You cooperate and give a countermeasure.
  4. You evaluate it each other.

In deference to each other’s opinions, it may be said that it is important to give the third opinion.
You must not forget it.


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